If you run a fracking operation, you no doubt have a lagoon or two holding wastewater from the fracking process. This water may look harmless, but it is actually not something you want to mess with, which is why people store it in lagoons and don't try to pour it into the ground, for example. You should not ignore these lagoons, however. While it's tempting to just forget about them, you can use aeration to make the wastewater usable again. By doing this, you can help preserve groundwater safety and air quality.
Volatile Chemical Emission
Frac water lagoons contain a lot of volatile chemicals that can pollute the air and make people feel ill. While a lot of companies leave fracking lagoons alone and don't do anything to stop the emission of these chemicals, you have a chance to stop that. Aeration can remove a lot of the volatile chemical content.
Lagoon Linings Can Leak
Any linings or containment materials in the lagoon can leak. One little rip is all it takes for that water to start seeping into the soil and possibly down to the water table. If the frac water reaches the groundwater, you'll have a contaminated mess on your hands that could turn out to be very expensive for you. Fortunately, you can avoid this problem with aeration.
A Valuable Source of Water for Reclamation
Water conservation has become a hot topic for the fracking industry because the process uses so much clean water. When that water is taken from local aquifers and wells, it cuts down on the clean water available for drinking and cooking. One way to get around the problem of needing clean water for fracking — without taking away from local supplies — is to reclaim the frac water produced during each fracking process. When fracking is finished, there's a lot of wastewater, or frac water, left behind. You can reclaim this water using aeration. Aeration won't make the water safe to drink, but it will clean it up enough so that you can reuse it in fracking. So, all that water in the fracking lagoons can be aerated and then reused, allowing you to conserve local supplies.
Start aeration now in the fracking lagoons at your operation. The sooner you start, the more water you'll have for fracking, and the better the environmental impact will be.
For more information, contact a company with services like fracking lagoon aeration.